Deep Sea Leisure PLC is registered in Scotland at North Queensferry, Fife, KY11 1JR.
Our company number is SC135353 and our VAT number is 592 9930 86.
Bristol Aquarium is owned by Deep Sea Leisure PLC, a division of Aspro Ocio SA.
Deep Sea Leisure’s Liability Insurance Details
Public Liability Insurance
Policy Number 1000365647-04
Insurer Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE (LMIE)
Insurer Portal ID C00551
Indemnity Limit The minimum amount of cover provided by this policy is £5,000,000
All Claims Notification Forms should be submitted direct to the appropriate Insurers via the Portal and Defendant Only Copies should be emailed to: [email protected]
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E-mail contact – [email protected]
Please note – Displays are subject to change.